Marcin Witkowski

Art Director   |   Chicago, IL

Vroom... Vroom...

The Chicago Auto Show, in preparation for their 2015 show, needed a redesign that was vastly different from their previous designs. They needed a brand new "Photo Gallery" section and "Vehicles on Display" as the ones they had were outdated and rather plain. This site was supposed to be responsive and also there was an app to go along with it. (coming soon)

Lead Designer / Art Direction

I was the Lead Designer on the entire project. I started with wireframes and then moved into concepts. It was rather tough because they needed to keep the page load low because of their beefy flash ads. So in turn I limited the graphical elements and simplified them by using bigger and bolder images that told the story.

Vehicles on Display

Redesigning the "Vehicles on Display" page was a fun challenge. They wanted to keep it simple and easy for the user, so I designed where the user could easily jump to the car they're looking for. The details page would start off with a photo gallery of the car accompanied with information below about that car.

Photo Gallery

The Photo Gallery here hasn't received a face lift in years. So when designing it I wanted to go full screen when displaying the gallery. The user could easily hide and show the thumbnails and scroll through all the different images.

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  • Client Chicago Auto Show
  • My Role Lead Designer
  • Agency